The Nib Magazine Covers

As mentioned in a previous post I’m The Nib Magazine designer. So, for your viewing pleasure, here are the first two covers I worked on featuring the artwork of Oliver Hibert and Jillian Tamaki. As a result of a successful Kickstarter campaign, the first issue is on press at this very moment, and is being readied for it’s rollout at the 2018 Small Press Expo. The Magazine is a quarterly publication packed with an amazing array of artists and writers. Each issue takes a thematic approach, with humorous, touching, poignant and truthful stories of our life and times. The initial quartet of subjects are death, family, empire and scams. Heady stuff to be sure. The fascinating thing about being involved in the creation of this new venture is seeing the wide range of artistic approaches by all of the artists to the subject matter at hand. I can’t wait to see the first issue, printed, bound and in my hot little hands. Similarly, I can’t wait to get started designing issue number 2.