Comics, Illustration, Workshops and Cucks. Oh My!
I have been a busy, little beaver with comics and design and illustration and workshops and conference andandand… Doing this, doing that. Doing all sorts of this, that and the other thing over the last year. TBH, I’ve mostly been wasting my life on Twitter. I haven’t had time to throw very much up on the blog. We are in 2017 though, and with so much happening, maybe I should start posting on a more regular basis. This is not, I repeat, not a New Year resolution, I’m not promising I’ll be posting here on a daily or even a weekly basis. Just more than almost never. They say blogs are dead anyway. So if you like dead things, I’m here for you. Once in a while.
And with that, here are is a very small sampling of some things I worked on last year, not the best, not the worst, but some fun and difficult projects. The election campaign naturally kept me insanely busy, week in week out. Doing live comics and designing, writing and brainstorming for The Nib gallery and event space in Philadelphia during the Democratic convention, designing emojis were some professional and cultural highlights for me. My 4+ year commitment as a board member of ICON9 The Illustration Conference came to a close in 2016. Working with great and talented people to plan and execute the conferences in Portland and Austin took up a great deal of time, effort and energy, but well worth all the hard work. Being able to create an improvisational collage workshop, and the fact that I was able to pull it off, have fun and inspire people was another professional checkmark. All this was in addition to running our design practice at Vivitiv…but that’s another story for another platform. Thanks y’all.