Kim Davis’ Job Prospects: American Affairs Desk Comics
Kim Davis, won’t be a Kentucky County Clerk forever, so what’s a girl to do when the grifters of the religious right like Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz move on to their next photo op? Well, a girl has to eat, so I was wondering where else can she work and not perform her duties, because you […]
American Affairs Desk Comics: Trump Fatigue
Trump, Trump, Trump. This is getting tiresome. TRUMP FATIGUE! Let’s talk about something else! Let’s talk about ME! Because like the Trump campaign, it’s all about me.
American Affairs Desk Comics: What I Did This Summer. I Fell in Love!
Trumperism in a nutshell. Emphasis on nuts.
Waco Gang War. Tragedy or Opportunity? Who’s the Thug Now?
In the inglorious tradition of using a tragedy for your own self-promotion, I give you a Seattle Weekly cover and a couple of spots on the Bandidos motorcycle gang I did way back in 2006. Take that white thugs.
American Affairs Desk Comics: Bad Things Come in Threes
I’ve been remiss in posting my American Affairs Desk comics. Here’s three recent takes on the GOP Presidential race, the media and Baltimore
My Thoughts on Ted Cruz 2016 /// From March 2013
A series of Ted Cruz comics from way back in March 2013. Don’t say I didn’t warn you about the Canadian thing, the naturalized citizen thing, the Constiution, the Bible and a shirtless fight to the death with Rand Paul.
American Affairs Desk Comic: WingNut Bingo or Where Do Political Cartoonists Get Ideas?
Part 2 of “Where do political cartoonists get their ideas?” Basically the crazy is handed directly to you on a silver platter. Let the 2016 hilarity begin.
Ain’t We Having Fun :( I Drew This Thing is Back on Illustration Age.
It’s FRIIIIIIIDAAAAAAAY MOFOS! But not for you. A new I Drew This Thing on Illustration Age. Massive thanks to Thomas James for bringing the sadness back. If this is you or someone you know, check out my Society6 page for more merchandise of sad realities.