Vivitiv Rocks The Postal Service

Posted by on Mar 20, 2007 in New Projects

Vivitiv-Rock-YouDM.jpgBy Mark Kaufman
Vivitiv, the design firm that I run with Jacqueline McCarthy, just sent off a treasure trove of work for consideration in Rockport Publisher’s upcoming 1,000 Music Graphics book. This is one of the packages that we sent which held some of our music posters over the years. We sent two other packages with cd packaging, and other bits of music related collateral featuring our work for various rock shows, radio stations, the Seattle Opera and Seattle Symphony. Those packages had boxes and envelopes designed with rock and roll quotes like “This is my rock and roll love letter to you” by the Bay City Rollers and  “Please Mr. Postman look and see if there’s a letter in your bag for me” by the Marvelettes. We may not get anything into the book but at least the packaging will get noticed.

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