The Great Little Chimp Rip-Off
By Mark Kaufman
Piracy has hit the illustration community website The Little Chimp Society (LCS). A “publisher” out of Hong Kong calling themselves the Great Creativity Organization has basically taken images from LCS contributors and interviews conducted by Darren DeLito of LCS and has without any approvals, any contact, any OK whatsoever and printed them in book form and is selling said book for $100 a pop. The heretofore positive world of social networking as embodied by LCS and Illustration Mundo and Illustration Friday, among countless others, now knows what the Microsofts and Time-Warners of the world know. That digital piracy from China and eastern Europe and the cul-de sac up the road from you, rips people off, abuses your rights and copyrights, and profits off of your hard work. All creatives in the USA should join the Graphic Artists Guild, which is at the forefront of artists rights as step one.
Unfortunately this is nothing new, It happened to our design firm a while back. I was at the bookstore looking at a new book of logos and lo and behold I saw more than a few of our logo designs pictured. I never sent original art to anyone, I never approved that they be used. I tried to look into the matter, but the addresses were fake and publisher was a world away, and I dropped it. While I am not happy that this happened to LCS and its contributors, it is positive that a large community of like-minded people are outraged about the issue of piracy in the illustration/design/new-media world. Perhaps the many can start to figure out how to combat thievery where the individual could not. Read the comments from LCS blog.
I know I no longer snicker when large multi nationals like Microsoft or Time Warner bitch about piracy.
Artwork from Princess Cam Cam
April 23, 2008I noticed that a lot of the hits I was getting on my sites were coming through google image searches from questionable IP addresses. I’m sure most of these were innocuous searches by people just interested in looking at certain imagery… but it made me start to label my jpgs with dates rather than keywords… which sucks because that cuts down on search engine listings. However, I still get just as many hits, but I don’t get many coming from the google image search engine.
Mark Kaufman
April 23, 2008I know there is also watermarking software out there as well. I did come across a guy that added code to his images so that grabbing it off the web turns it into some sort of embarrasing image, saying it is stolen. Seemed too complicated for me. I hope I bookmarked it. I will post it if I find it.