Paul Ryan Greatest Hits
With all the chaos in the Republican caucus, the people are looking for a hero, or a magic unicorn of conservative thought. Which brings us to Ryan. Paul Ryan is no hero. He’s no magic unicorn either. His budgets however are made of unicorns, Ayn Randian fairy dust and tax cut fever. Budgets that he knows will never get passed. Ryan has said no to desperate calls to take on the thankless mantle of Speaker of the House. When his nation called (at least the part of the nation that believes in tax cut magicks), Paul Ryan didn’t answer the call. For all his right wing poverty warrior and P90X bravado, Paul Ryan prefers his perch as the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, a Fantasyland that doesn’t have to deal with the loony tune Freedom Caucus. So maybe Paul Ryan is smarter that I give him credit for. Anyway, that’s a very long way of setting up a Paul Ryan Greatest Hits from my American Affairs Desk Comics. The first time I drew Paul Ryan was way back in 2009 in the comic at the top, which coincided with the rise of the Tea Party…and the fractious roller coaster ride that is the modern Republican party.