I Can’t Stand Scooby Doo
By Mark Kaufman
The passing of Iwao Takamoto reminds me of how much I hated Scooby Doo. It’s unfortunate, but read any obituary of Mr. Takamoto and first and foremost the highly overrated (yet popular) Scooby Doo heads the list of achievements. I prefer to remember the man for directing the animated version of Charlotte’s Web, and as the creator of many other wonderful characters such as Secret Squirrel, Atom Ant, Penelope Pitstop, and Dastardly and Mutley. I am sure that Mr. Takamoto was very proud of Scooby Doo and it is hard to sum up the accomplishments of a long career, but read a bit deeper and you’ll find an interesting life and some wonderful work. Thank you.
A great interview provided by Cartoon Brew here.