Huckabee + Constitution = Antichrist

Posted by on Jan 16, 2008 in Outrage of the Week

HuckabeeSignorelliDM.jpgBy Mark Kaufman
I just returned from a month in Italy, and one of the absolute wonders of the world that I saw on my trip was Luca Signorelli’s frescoes in the chapel of S. Brizio, in Orvieto. Breathtaking. The section of the anti-christ, mesmerizing. But not as mind-blowing as Mike Huckabee’s statement that we should “amend the constitution to God’s standards”.  That can only mean one thing, that Mike Huckabee is the anti-christ. Since an antichrist can be opposed to Christ by striving to be in the place of Christ, this can be the only explanation as to why Aw Shucks Huckabee would say something so profoundly insane.

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