Hillary / Brooke 08

Posted by on Mar 10, 2007 in New Projects

HillaryBrooke08DM.jpgBy Mark Kaufman
I was taking a look at all of the presidential contenders logos, I’ve gone through Obama, McCain and Vilsack, but unfortunately none of the other candidates have anything even remotely interesting in the way of logos. There’s not much to say except that they are all awful. However, I am hoping that there is a vice-presidential candidate out there somewhere with Brooke as a last name. Because a Hillary Brooke 08 ticket gets my vote. A Hillary Brooke ticket would have the immature, middle aged male vote locked down. That is at least half the electorate. It would be my dream to see a campaign named after the late blond bombshell and star of the Abbott and Costello show. Sid Fields for Secretary of Agriculture!

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