Guns, Gangs, Kids

Posted by on Dec 21, 2006 in New Projects

Mark-Kaufman-GangSketches.jpgBy Mark Kaufman
I just did a spot for the Stranger about guns, gangs and kids. Perfect subject matter for me. This one was a fast turnaround without the benefit of having the article to read before deadline. I only had those three words and something about hysteria to work with. With that in mind a see-saw concept felt right. I thought I would post my initial quick sketch ideas (which I did at home during the big power outage, proving once and for all that I can work by the light of a scented candle), my internal selection and the “cleaned up” final illustration. I like to have my thumbs pretty tight to the final piece as you can see. It seems strange that with the crappy line that I use that I can call it cleaned up, but that’s my line and I’m sticking to it.

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