Joey Bishop 1918-2007
By Mark KaufmanThe Frown Prince is gone and with Joey Bishop’s passing it is officially the end of an era. With the exception of ladies auxiliary members Angie Dickinson and Shirley MacLaine the Rat Pack is kaput. Rest in peace Joseph Abraham Gottlieb, you and your ilk are sorely missed. See a very low-resolution animated […]
Martin J. Weber, Typographer, Art Director, Inventor Dies at 102
By Mark Kaufman As usual, thank god for Steven Heller. When I started out in this business close to 30 years ago, long before the advent of the laptop that I am writing this on, the art of typography, especially special effects lettering was a mysterious craft. If you wanted your headlines, expanded, compressed, or […]
The Russians Are Coming The Russians Are Coming Star Finally Gets Academy Award!
By Mark KaufmanNo. Not Paul Ford. Although he certainly deserves one. Alan Arkin finally gets an Academy Award 40 years after being nominated and starring in The Russians Are Coming The Russians Are Coming. Congratulations. A little known fact about Mr. Arkin is that he is a childrens book author, so he regularly works with […]
Roy Kuhlman 1923-2007
By Mark KaufmanThe design world has lost a giant today. Roy Kuhlman best known for his Grove Press covers of the 1950s and 60s and as art director for Evergreen Magazine has passed away at the age of 83. Great essay here on the Grove Press work. I think that in the pantheon of design […]
I Can’t Stand Scooby Doo
By Mark KaufmanThe passing of Iwao Takamoto reminds me of how much I hated Scooby Doo. It’s unfortunate, but read any obituary of Mr. Takamoto and first and foremost the highly overrated (yet popular) Scooby Doo heads the list of achievements. I prefer to remember the man for directing the animated version of Charlotte’s Web, […]
Joe Barbera Dead at 95
By Mark KaufmanJoe Barbera co-founder of the Hanna Barbera animation studios, and the co-creator of Tom and Jerry, The Flintstones, The Jetsons, Dastardly and Mutley and countless other staples of television animation, exits stage left at the ripe old age of 95. Nothing on his passing on the “Official” Hanna Barbera web site. Come on […]
By Mark KaufmanNot to sound like a broken record but the weather outside is frightening. Seattle is a dreary place in the winter. And the fall and most of the spring for that matter. When the rains come I like to think happy thoughts. That usually relates to travel and since I’m not going anywhere […]
Sid Raymond Passes Away at 97 Years Old
By Mark KaufmanSid Raymond the voice of Baby Huey, Katnip and Heckle & Jeckle, Schlitz Beer bartender and a character actor that has been working for over 70 years has passed away. You’ve heard him, you’ve seen him in countless television and film appearances but like me never knew his name. Raise a glass of […]
Paul Rigby R.I.P
By Mark KaufmanEditorial cartoonist Paul Rigby has died in his native Australia at the age of 82. Mr. Rigby worked for many years for both the NY Post and the NY Daily News. While I don’t think I ever agreed with his point of view, his work alternately made me smile or get angry. The […]
Burt Goldblatt
Burt Goldblatt, designer, illustrator, photographer, author, has died at 82. His album cover designs of the 1950’s and 60’s were certainly an influence on me at an early age, although I didn’t know it at the time. Only later on was I able to put a name to the simple yet vibrant imagery that spoke […]