Drawmark Magazine Club
By Mark KaufmanBook clubs are everywhere. Sure I read books, and newspapers, and blogs, and annual reports, the backs of cereal boxes but the thing I love the most, the thing that I am almost never without are magazines. And yes, I read them for the articles, but I must admit, design, illustration and photography […]
By Mark KaufmanI saw an absolutely beautiful chart in the Key supplement in yesterday’s edition of the New York Times by the Dutch designers Catalogtree. The straightforward simplicity of their charts is mindblowing. Check out their web site for more inteligent, spare, thoroughly interesting work. This diagram compares the average speed in two directions during […]
Aleksander Macasev Lecture
By Mark KaufmanAIGA Seattle hosted the Serbian artist/designer Aleksander Macasev for a lecture on his Joseph Goebbels tm project last night. I am not sure about the rest of the audience, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Mr. Macasev was an engaging speaker, he actually apologized for the fact that english is not his first language, […]