Drawmark Memory Hole: Summer Sin
By Mark Kaufman I am going out of town for a few days and I hope to indulge in all seven deadly sins. Keep cool people.
Drawmark Memory Hole: The Death of Gerald Ford
By Mark Kaufman Would be Gerald Ford assassin Sarah Jane Moore has been back in the news lately, (on the Today Show not I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here) which reminded me of this portrait I did when the 38th POTUS died. The idea of course that while most people were celebrating his […]
Drawmark Memory Hole: X-Ray Specs
By Mark Kaufman Very old piece, for The Rocket in the early/mid 90’s. Couldn’t tell you what it was for or what the intent was, but I’ve always liked the image.
Drawmark Memory Hole: Seven Deadly Sins
By Mark Kaufman I did this a few years back for a newspaper cover story on the Seven Deadly Sins. My take, why not make it sunny and fun? Why not ape Lichtensteins Girl with a Beach Ball 7X, which itself was a derivitave work of advertising for the the Catskills resort, Mount Airy Lodge, […]
Drawmark Memory Hole: American Exceptionalism
By Mark Kaufman Here’s one from the Bush years that the Teabagging phenomenon brought to mind. Simply replace the world with a map of America and I think I could move a lot of these on right-wing websites in anticipation of the July 4th Tea Parties.
Drawmark Memory Hole: Economy Edition
By Mark Kaufman Memory is a funny thing. I was reading or heard something about the economic mess we are in over the weekend, and this piece that I did a few years back for Willamette Week popped into my head. It was for an article on how people get by selling plasma, sperm or […]
Drawmark Thanksgiving Tradition
Almost like the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Special, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade, Black Friday, and football and naps and turkey sandwiches all wrapped into one, here is my Thanksgiving tradition. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Happy Republican Halloween
By Mark Kaufman Republican Hallowen Redux. This is a reposting of a comic from last Halloween. It is amazing how far we’ve come, and how close the election is. Just 4 more days to go and we can hopefully say goodbye to the horrorshow that is GOP rule. Yes, Tom Tancredo, Fred Thompson, Rudy Giuliani, […]