Drill Here. Drill Now.
Eventually Drill Here, Drill Now will come back to get you in the ass.
Drawmark Memory Hole: Queer Culture
By Mark Kaufman This is one of my absolute faves over the years. It was the cover of The Stranger Queer Issue a few years back. I got to work on this and a series of illustrations on a varirty gay issues with Stranger Editor Dan Savage, Art Director Joe Newton and a wide range […]
Drawmark Memory Hole
By Mark Kaufman One of a series spots for Seattle Metropolitan Magazine. I do not remember what the story was. But I like this image.
Great Moments in Rejection
By Mark Kaufman Here is another in a long line of great ideas that went nowhere with an editor. In this case it was for Amazon.com and their non-support for arts and local causes. The newspaper opted for a photograph of Amazon HQ in Seattle instead. Another great swing and a miss.
Drawmark Memory Hole: Andy Breckman and the WFMU Marathon
By Mark Kaufman In honor of the current fundraising marathon on WFMU, here’s a detail of Andy Breckman, from one of the WFMU playing cards I created a few years back. Check out Seven Second Delay at 6pm EST/3pmPST, with Andy and Ken Freedman and pledge today.
Drawmark Memory Hole: Bad Software
By Mark Kaufman For an article on software design for the Isthmus Magazine.
Drawmark Memory Hole: Sasquatch Reject
Breastfeeding SasquatchBy Mark Kaufman One of my favorite images. Of course, it’s one of a very long line of faves that were rejected for one reason or another. If I remember correctly I think the reason for this one was “…disturbing…”. I say it’s only natural.
Happy Thanksgiving
By Mark Kaufman Gobble gobble you bastards.Like pilgrims, parades, pumpkin pie, and passing out on the couch I post this Thanksgiving illustration every year.
Drawmark Memory Hole: Literature Lust
By Mark Kaufman A Klassic Kaufman illustration for the Oxford American Magazine. Those in the know may recognize the James Thurber essay that I used for the illustration bed.
Drawmark Memory Hole: No Third Term for Doyle
By Mark Kaufman I had the pleasure of drawing the illustration of Governor Jim Doyle for The Isthmus newspaper in Madison, WI a couple of years back. Governor Doyle just announced that he will not seek a third term. He did pledge to fulfill his term until the bitter end, unlike certain other govenors that […]