Paul Ryan Greatest Hits
With all the chaos in the Republican caucus, the people are looking for a hero, or a magic unicorn of conservative thought. Which brings us to Ryan. Paul Ryan is no hero. He’s no magic unicorn either. His budgets however are made of unicorns, Ayn Randian fairy dust and tax cut fever. Budgets that he […]
Budget Breakdown for Newsbound
The sequester deadline is tomorrow, across the board cuts on all parts of the Federal budget, regardless of the efficacy or importance of a program or department. The sequester was enacted as the Budget Control Act of 2011. Signed into law by President Obama in August of that year, and was the conclusion of the […]
The Devil You Say
By Mark Kaufman Altered picture of me in my first communion suit going back 40+ years and many sins ago. Big thanks to my Cousin Mike for scanning like the devil and sending this and many other childhood pics my way.
Happy February! Happy Groundsidents Day!
Puxatawney Lincoln and John Wilkes Booth Wish you a Happy February.By Mark Kaufman An oldie but goodie from my files. I heart U 2.
By Mark KaufmanI came across this piece I did about the 2005 London Underground bombings and the cause/effect debate that followed. Final at the top and initial sketches at the bottom for an idea on how I work out a problem and present ideas..
Hecho en Seattle
By Mark KaufmanAnother installment of “Hey I found this in my basement”. I was rooting around down in the basement last night and came across this piece that I did probably a decade ago for late lamented Seattle music newspaper The Rocket. It was for a piece about some Cuban musician, I must say I […]
My Better Half
By Mark KaufmanI found this hiding somewhere on my computer while I was searching for something else. A portrait of my wife and business partner Jacqueline McCarthy & me. I liked the image of my better half so much that I had it embroidered into a lovely portrait by the awesome world reknown artist Jenny […]
The Ephemeral Permanence of Editorial Illustration
By Mark KaufmanI love editorial illustration. I love making images that tell stories or serve to bolster ideas. As much work and effort goes into a publishing venture, writing, editing, design, illustration and photography, production and distribution, it seems to be a fleeting undertaking. Because whether it is a daily newspaper or blog, a weekly […]
Golden Oldies
By Mark KaufmanHere’s one from the Golden Oldies file. I think this one dates back to 1999. We used to do a lot of radio work back then. Although I’m not sure if the guy is bored by work or the playlist. Lillith Fair? Dave Matthews? Ouch. As far as Bruce goes, as a New […]