American Affairs Desk: Chris Christie, Irritable Governor Syndrome
Given the BridgeGate mess over in my home state of New Jersey, I thought I’d repost a comic from 2011, which showed that Governor Chris Christie is full of shit. Or rather he’s the same as the rest of the GOP governors around the country.
American Affairs Desk Comics: Great Moments in Presidential Backtracking
Presidents Obama, Reagan, JFK and Lincoln have all backtracked on promises/threats.
American Affairs Desk Comics: Republicans | Democrats Redline on Syria
I neglected to post this comic twofer on Syria from last week. Which was a sequel to the GOP comic from the week before. It’s almost like ancient history by now. We seem to have moved on to yet another shooting, and government shutdown, and Starbucks and guns, and guns and Benghazi and Gunghazi and […]
American Affairs Desk Comics: GOP / Syria
Proof that Sarah Palin is a living punchline. I wrote this Syria comic last week aaaaand wait for it… this week Palin wants to Bomb Obamacare. There’s a link to the ridiculous Sarah Pac Bomb Obamacare ad somewhere on the shitfest that is Politico, but I just can’t.
American Affairs Desk: Final Installment Ted Cruz Investigative Series, Ted Cruz VS Rand Paul
Detail of shirtless senators Ted Cruz VS Rand Paul and full comic.
American Affairs Desk: Ted Cruz Investigative Opinion Series
The first and second entries into my investigative Opinion Series about new Tea Party pinup, Senator Ted Cruz