Barry Blitt New Yorker Cover Draws Fire

Posted by on Jul 14, 2008 in Illustrators I like

14obamanewyorker265.jpgBy Mark Kaufman
This New Yorker cover by Barry Blitt of showing Barack and Michelle Obama has just hit the streets and the blogosphere and the media have caught fire. I think the cover is absolutely on point. A satiric point. Many people still believe that the Obamas are Muslim, that the fist bump is terrorist code, that they and everyone on the left prays to Mecca and Osam Bin Laden, that we are all warming ourselves with the amber glow of burning flags. It is all nonsene of course, it is nothing more than rumor mongering, and innuendo, and character assasination. Is the illustration tasteless? I don’t think so, it is simply speaking truth to the power of lies. Yes, there are some people that will take manufactured offense at the image, that it will do damage to the Obama campaign, but I think the conversation we have about it will bring to light the ugly rumor campaign and those that are  spreading it. I think it is a great image. In fact putting aside all of the supposedly incendiary images that most people will be talking about, the obvious things I mentioned already, fist-bumping, flag burning, weapon toting and the terror camp outfits, the thing that I LOVE the most is the fact that Mr. Blitt has let Michelle Obama’s hair grow out. Nothing frightens white America more than an Afro. You go Barry Blitt and the New Yorker!

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